Norwood HS 1970 Baseball Champions

Greatest game ever played at Norwood HS Field? Travers vs Bomback

1) Norwood beats Walpole to win Bay State League title. Players give reason why they wanted to win.
2) Tournament game – Travers vs Bomback -preview including Sports Slants, Babe Ruth League game summaries and BSL Final Standings. Who were North and South in standings?  Framingham. (Sorry about page being split.)
3) Boston Globe game summary written by a young sports writer named Bob Ryan who covered the game. – Thanks for the heads-up Brian Clougher!

Please note: Norwood Messenger post game article about the Travers vs Bomback game was mysteriously missing from Norwood Public Library archives. If someone has a copy please let me know I will include it. Thanks

Feedback:   From former Norwood great and 1970 Bay State League Baseball All-Star —Brad Kelley – “…reminded of a day about 45-46 years ago-we played Durfee High School in Fall River.Bill Travers pitched against Mark Bomback.What a duel.I think we lost in 14 innings.We actually played them 2 years in a row-1969 and 1970 I believe.Mark was drafted by the Red Sox but had most of his coffee with the Mets. Billy,of course,was drafted by Milwaukee and made an All Star appearance but you all know most of that story.I am old and fat now,but I had 3 hits against Bomback(The Bomber) -my defense,well,that is a story for another day. Our senior year a kid named Dick Blackwell was lights out for Braintree and was also drafted by the Brewers.It was against Blackwell that Billie O’Brien got his nickname Billy Braintree! Billie owned Blackwell that day-just ask him if you see him around town!”   Read Brad’s posts on

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